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Lane ESD Technology Services provides wide area networking services and Internet Service Provider (ISP) services to Lane County school districts and Lane Community College.

Network Circuits

Network Operations works with many service providers in order to provide high speed Internet connectivity to districts. Transport methods include dark and lit-managed fiber optics connections. The wide area network (WAN) extends throughout Lane County to serve component districts. For Internet access, Lane ESD utilizes a statewide network provided by Link Oregon.

Circuit Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Lane ESD prides itself on being a reliable ISP. Network engineers monitor the WAN and respond promptly when outages occur. Regular circuit testing and troubleshooting is conducted to check the integrity of the district’s circuit and to ensure upstream service providers’ SLAs (Service Level Agreement) are met. Lane ESD also assists districts with local area network (LAN) support.

Access to Network Monitoring Tools

Districts have access to customized networking monitoring tools that provide valuable information regarding Internet usage down to the node level.

Firewall Services

District networks are secured by controlling Internet traffic through Lane ESD’s core firewall. Each district has the ability to customize security policies for their network. To assist with troubleshooting, logs and traffic details are available to districts upon request.

DNS Services

Lane ESD offers authoritative external Domain Name System (DNS) services to districts. Changes can be requested at any time by the district technology staff.

CIPA Compliant Content Filtering

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. In accordance with CIPA, Lane ESD provides web content filtering to districts. In addition to filtering for CIPA compliance, the service is customizable to provide additional filtering to suit the needs and policies of the individual districts. Changes can be requested at any time by district technology staff.

Colocation Rack Space

Lane ESD provides rack space as colocation in Eugene, OR for component districts. Options may vary based on what space is requested and availability.

Engineering Design and Support

We provide design support for the installation of internal district networks. This includes engineering assistance with both wired and wireless networks as well as the use of networking design and troubleshooting tools.

Network Outages

If you experience a network outage, please call the emergency paging system at 541-461-8340. For all other network performance related questions, please email Any outages that occur outside of normal hours may not be attended to immediately.

Network Maintenance

Infrequently, network and system maintenance tasks need to be carried out that could potentially impact end-users. To minimize downtime, we have maintenance windows during off-hours for these tasks. Note the vast majority of maintenance windows pass with no network, application, or internet interruptions.

Maintenance Windows:

  • Wednesday and Friday 6:00-6:30PM
  • Saturday 9:00AM-Noon