Lane ESD Technology Services recognizes districts have individual needs. We make an effort to assist where applicable as these needs arise. The following services have been used by individual districts and can be requested as needed. Each request is evaluated based on feasibility and the impacts to all districts, and often discussed with the Lane County Technical Advisory Committee (LCTAC). In addition to the custom services below, we welcome new ideas for additional services. To plan for new service additions, please contact us with your requests.
The Learn360 streaming media service is a fee for service offering. Each year districts have the choice to select Learn360 on their service orders. We maintain and manage the contract, as well as provide account management oversight.
LCC Internship and Assignment
In conjunction with Lane Community College’s Cooperative Education Program, we hire intern applicants to help district personnel accomplish technology projects. This staff placement creates a connection between Lane ESD and the upcoming workforce, as well as provides additional support to districts’ technology needs.
Grant Assistance
We assist with large scale grant applications that support district internal technology needs. The grant approach is to fill in gaps in service identified by Lane ESD. Many schools in Lane County are largely served with high speed connections without additional grant applications. Grants can provide funding for these additional connections.
Personnel / HR Assistance
Assistance with district technology personnel needs includes writing job descriptions, establishing roles and responsibilities, sitting on hiring committees, and recruiting applicants. We also assist with training technical staff and working with the district to establish appropriate staffing levels.
Creation and Review of Technical Contracts
We serve as a hub for districts who are seeking to collaborate with other government agencies and are looking to pool resources in order to achieve common goals. We act as a liaison for some technical IGAs, which can include charter schools or other non-K12 agencies such as Lane Council of Governments and the University of Oregon.
Charter School Support
Services to charter districts include ISP services; Google Apps account creation and management for calendaring; Google Docs and other Google services; asset management and accounting; and a request tracking system.