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General Testing Set-up & Communication Procedures for 2020-2021

Before Testing Session

  1. Scheduling Options
  2. Contact the student’s family to cover information prior to the day of the appointment, including:
    • Arranging transportation
    • COVID-19 health screening: if any person attending the session has been sick or exposed to COVID-19, or has traveled outside of Oregon or the United States, then ensure that the testing date falls outside of the quarantine window (which is 14 days).
  3. Send home “What to Expect at the Assessment Center” after the appointment is scheduled:
    This will include the date and time of the appointment and the COVID-19 protocol information.
  4. The day before the appointment, complete the Parent Contact and Health Screening questions with the parent via phone call or email. The Form ( will automatically send the information to a spreadsheet.

During the Day of the Testing Session                        

  1. School staff will complete the following tasks when student enters the ESD lobby and before proceeding into the assessment room:
    • Pick up the no-touch forehead thermometer from the assessment room.
    • Greet parties in the lobby and complete the information on the Lane ESD contact tracking Log Sheets on the table.
    • Check for the use of face coverings for anyone entering the assessment room. (Provide one for any individual without one) Staff will screen for cases where the student and/or family member is not able to tolerate a face covering and arrangements will be made prior; for example, a parent can be informed that they must wait outside the building, and the child will be offered a face shield. We will not force a child to wear a face covering if contraindicated by their individual challenges, whether documented or suspected.
    • Ask everyone entering the assessment room to sanitize their hands
    • Take the temperature of the student before entering the assessment room using the non-contact thermometer available in the assessment room.
  2. If an adult will be waiting while the student is tested, the evaluator will ask the family to wait by the front door where there are available chairs. Inform them of the following:
    • Location of the restrooms
    • Building expectations regarding the wearing of masks
    • Identification of the front door as the arrival/departure door
  3. Students may take breaks as needed. (The accompanying parent is available for restrooming.)

Evaluator Testing Procedures

  1. Evaluators will escort the child into the assigned evaluation room.
  2. For specific cases, such as a student who has behavioral needs or is very young, additional staff will be able to sit in the room during testing.
  3. Evaluators will wear appropriate face covering (masks or face shields) for the duration of the testing session with the child and while interacting with the adult and other staff.
  4. Evaluators will utilize PPE items that are available in the testing room and practice protective sanitation, including:
    • Face coverings 
    • Gloves, if needed for the evaluation
    • Hand sanitizer used frequently during testing, but especially when it is observed that the child has touched their mouth, nose, eyes, and so on.
    • Sanitizer spray and/or wipes will be used for disinfecting the testing items, table, chair, plexiglass barrier, and other appropriate space after testing.
  5. The child will utilize PPE items as appropriate for their age and individual challenges for the duration of the testing session.
    • Face covering (mask, face shield)
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Pointer, wand or stylus
    • Pencils or other appropriate writing item that are disposable or can be given to the student
  6. Some evaluators are using a plexiglass system where the evaluator slides a response book through the opening in the plexiglass. Some psychologists will be using Q-Interactive materials as an alternative. Please ensure the iPads are connected to the ESD Wi-Fi before beginning.
  7. Evaluators will explain to the child that the plexiglass barrier and face covers are being used all over the community to protect everyone. The evaluator will ask the child if they have seen these being used in their community and maybe ask for some examples. This is done to assess the level of comfort the child might be experiencing with the use of the barrier and face coverings; if the child is uncomfortable, attempt to ease concerns.
  8. Evaluators should consider bringing age-appropriate games, reinforcers, drawing materials, and the like to use for incentives and during breaks. These kinds of materials are not provided in the assessment room.

After the Testing Session

  1. All testing surfaces and materials will be disinfected by the evaluator who used them.
  2. Follow the disinfection instructions provided at the end of this document. 
  3. Lane ESD will be saving contact information entered into the contact logs. Staff and the family will be notified if contact tracing is necessary. 
  4. Here is some sample report language to consider after using the Assessment Center:

General Language

Due to the State of Emergency as a result of COVID-19 School Closures, assessment results should be interpreted with caution. Assessments were not normed during a global pandemic, nor has a child’s developmental experience been normal for many months. In addition, some students experienced distance learning differently than others, specifically varying levels of participation and access to the online educational experience, and varying levels of distress, anxiety or trauma. Such variables can affect the accuracy of scores, and teams should carefully consider the appropriate application of the following scores in order to determine eligibility and program planning.

Adapted from Hungerford Law Firm advice and Oregon City SD documents

Q-Interactive Language

In order to comply with state and county COVID-19 safety guidelines, individual test administration was completed using (a) physical distancing procedures, (b) Pearson’s Q-Interactive system, and (c) iPads. Environmental test site changes, upon consultation with experts in the field, were not believed to alter test content, skills being assessed, or the examinee response format.

The testing environment appeared free of distractions, adequate rapport was established with the examinee, and the examinee appeared appropriately engaged in the task throughout the session. No significant technological problems were noted during administration. Modifications to the standardization procedure included: [LIST if any]. The results of this evaluation [ARE/ARE NOT] considered a valid description of the examinee’s skills and abilities.

Adapted from Beaverton SD Documents